Search the watershed knowledge base
The Santa Clara River watershed knowledge base is a searchable catalog of science-based information relevant to the management, conservation, and restoration of the Santa Clara River and the surrounding watershed. The knowledge base is essentially a bibliographic system, containing references with links to digital documents and data where available. The knowledge base also catalogs river-related projects within the watershed, with a focus on projects that increase scientific understanding and contribute to management and restoration efforts. Project pages contain links to relevant references in the bibliographic system, providing a "project view" of information in the knowledge base. The database includes literature on Santa Clara River-specific and regional topics including southern steelhead, water quality, terrestrial resources, conservation planning, geomorphology and geology, and botany. Also included are a number of primary literature references useful in providing basic conceptual understanding of riverine ecosystems. Help build the knowledge base | List all items | Recommended reading list | Provide feedback
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50 publications found
Authors Date Title Relevance
Graf, WL
Fluvial Processes in Dryland Rivers
Gabet, EJ, and Dunne, T
A stochastic sediment delivery model for a steep Mediterranean landscape
Putnam, WC
Geomorphology of the Ventura region, California
Harris, R, and Olson, C
Two-stage system for prioritizing riparian restoration at the stream reach and community scales
Graf, WL, Stromberg, J, and Valentine, B
Rivers, dams, and willow flycatchers: a summary of their science and policy connections
Harris, RR
Defining Reference Conditions for Restoration of Riparian Plant Communities: Examples from California, USA
Azor, A, Keller, EA, and Yeats, RS
Geomorphic indicators of active fold growth: South Mountain- Oak Ridge anticline, Ventura basin, southern California
Nanson, GC, and Croke, JC
A genetic classification of floodplains
Hupp, CR, and Osterkamp, WR
Riparian vegetation and fluvial geomorphic processes
Graf, WL
Locational Probability for a Damned, Urbanizing Stream: Salt River, Arizona, USA.
Gabet, EJ
Sediment transport by dry ravel
Hooke, J
Coarse sediment connectivity in river channel systems: a conceptual framework and methodology
Duvall, A, Kirby, E, and Burbank, D
Tectonic and lithologic controls on bedrock channel profiles and processes in coastal California.
Eaton, BC, and Lapointe, MF
Effects of large floods on sediment transport and reach morphology in the cobble-bed Sainte Marguerite River
Bendix, J, and Hupp, CR
Hydrological and geomorphological impacts on riparian plant communities
Kupfer, JA, and Malanson, GP
Observed and modeled directional change in riparian forest composition at a cutbank edge
Downs, P, McCarthy, J, and Su, Y
SESPE CREEK HYDROLOGY, HYDRAULICS, AND SEDIMENTATION ANALYSIS: Watershed Assessment of Hillslope and River Geomorphic Processes
Gabet, EJ, Reichman, OJ, and Seabloom, EW
The Effects of Bioturbation on Soil Processes and Sediment Transport
Anderson, S, and Ambrose, R
Assessment of Physical and Biological Condition of the Santa Clara River Estuary, Ventura County, California and the Environmental Effects of the City of Ventura Wastewater Reclamation Facility Discharge
Steiger, J, and Gurnell, AM
Spatial hydrogeomorphological influences on sediment and nutrient deposition in riparian zones: observations from the Garonne River, France
RBF Consulting
Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Hydrology and Hydraulic Watershed Assessment (DRAFT)
Gaeuman, DA, Schmidt, JC, and Wilcock, PR
Evaluation of in-channel gravel storage with morphology-based gravel budgets developed from planimetric data
Gabet, EJ
Post-fire thin debris flows: sediment transport and numerical modelling
Malamud, BD, Turcotte, DL, Guzzetti, F, and Reichenbach, P
Landslide inventories and their statistical properties
Stillwater Sciences
Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Steelhead Habitat and Population Assessment
Hawkins, CP, Bartz, KL, and Neale, CM
Vulnerability of riparian vegetation to catastrophic flooding: Implications for riparian restoration
Kelley, E
Information Synthesis and Priorities Regarding Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the Santa Clara River
Hauer, FR, and Lorang, MS
River regulation, decline of ecological resources, and potential for restoration in a semi-arid lands river in the western US.
Drezner, TD, Fall, PL, and Stromberg, JC
Plant distribution and dispersal mechanisms at the Hassayampa River Preserve , Arizona , USA
Tiegs, S, O'Leary, J, Pohl, M, and Munill, C
Flood disturbance and riparian species diversity on the Colorado River Delta.
Stillwater Sciences
Santa Paula Creek Watershed Planning Project: Geomorphology and Channel Stability Assessment
Harrison, LR, Keller, EA, Kelley, E, and Mertes, L
Minimum Flow Requirements for Southern Steelhead Passage on the Lower Santa Clara River, CA
Stillwater Sciences
Geomorphic Assessment of the Santa Clara River Watershed, Synthesis of the Lower and Upper Watershed Studies, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California, Final Report
, R
Santa Paula Creek Watershed Assessment and Steelhead Restoration Plan
Lavé, J, and Burbank, D
Denudation processes and rates in the Transverse Ranges, southern California: erosional response of a transitional landscape to external and anthropogenic forcing.
Lite, SJ, and Stromberg, JC
Surface water and ground-water thresholds for maintaining Populus - Salix forests, San Pedro River, Arizona
Dvorsky, JR
The influence of valley morphology and coarse sediment distribution on rainbow trout populations in Sespe Creek, California at the landscape scale
AMEC Earth and Environmental
Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan. Final Document.
Lite, SJ, Bagstad, KJ, and Stromberg, JC
Riparian plant species richness along lateral and longitudinal gradients of water stress and flood disturbance, San Pedro River, Arizona, USA.
The Nature Conservancy
Santa Clara River - Upper Watershed Conservation Plan
ESA (Environmental Science Associates)
McGrath State Beach Natural Resources Management Plan
San Francisco Estuarine Institue
Historical Ecology of the lower Santa Clara River, Ventura River, and Oxnard Plain: an analysis of terrestrial, riverine, and coastal habitats
The Nature Conservancy
Conservation Plan for the Lower Santa Clara River Watershed and Surrounding Areas
Stillwater Sciences
Assessment of Geomorphic Processes for the Upper Santa Clara River Watershed Los Angeles County, California
Stillwater Sciences
Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Assessment of Geomorphic Processes
Nautilus Environmental
Comprehensive Analysis of Enhancements and Impacts Associated with Discharge of Treated Effluent from the Ventura Water Reclamation Facility to the Santa Clara River Estuary
Stillwater Sciences
Santa Clara River Parkway Levee Setback Assessment of the Lower Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California - Implications for Flood Risk Management and Ecological Benefit
Stillwater Sciences
Strategic Plan for Arundo Treatment and Post-treatment Revegetation
Stillwater Sciences
Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Focal Species Analysis and Habitat Characterization for the Lower Santa Clara River and Major Tributaries, Ventura County, California.
Stillwater Sciences
Santa Clara River Parkway: Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study