The Santa Clara River watershed knowledge base is a searchable catalog of science-based information relevant to the management, conservation, and restoration of the Santa Clara River and the surrounding watershed. The knowledge base is essentially a bibliographic system, containing references with links to digital documents and data where available. The knowledge base also catalogs river-related projects within the watershed, with a focus on projects that increase scientific understanding and contribute to management and restoration efforts. Project pages contain links to relevant references in the bibliographic system, providing a "project view" of information in the knowledge base.
The database includes literature on Santa Clara River-specific and regional topics including southern steelhead, water quality, terrestrial resources, conservation planning, geomorphology and geology, and botany. Also included are a number of primary literature references useful in providing basic conceptual understanding of riverine ecosystems.
TIP! use an asterix (*) to do a wildcard search (example: searching with "geo*" will include all words containing "geo" --e.g., geology, geomorphology, geomorphic)