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Recommended reading

Human history & major events

Schwartzberg, BJ, and Moore, PA (1995).
Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan: A History of the Santa Clara River
Prepared for the Santa Clara River Project Steering Committee

Outland, CF (1977).
Man-made disaster: the story of the St. Francis Dam
Arthur H. Clark Company, Glendale, California.

Nunis, Jr., DB (2002).
St. Francis Dam Disaster Revisited
Historical Society of Southern California, Pasadena, California.

Freeman, VM (1968).
People-Land-Water: Santa Clara Valley and Oxnard Plain, Ventura County, California
Lorrin L. Morrison, Los Angeles, California 90018(ISBN: 68-59503).

Physical setting: geology, geomorphology, and hydrology

Stillwater Sciences (2007).
Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study: Assessment of Geomorphic Processes
Prepared for the California State Coastal Conservancy, Oakland, California.

United Water Conservation District, and Castaic Lake Water Agency (1996).
Water Resources Report on the Santa Clara River
Prepared for the Santa Clara River Project Steering Committee

Biological resources

Santa Clara River Project Steering Committee (1996).
Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan Study: Biological Resources, Volume I
Prepared for the Santa Clara River Project Steering Committee

Kelley, E (2004).
Information Synthesis and Priorities Regarding Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the Santa Clara River
Prepared for The Nature Conservancy

Ventura County Planning Division (2006).
Guide to Native and Invasive Streamside Plants: Restoring Riparian Habitats in Ventura County & along the Santa Clara River in Los Angeles County
Ventura County Planning Department, Ventura, California.

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